RAG benchmark: Papr ranks #1 in knowledge retrieval

AI  workspace that understands your company

Get answers, generate content, and collaborate with your team and AI

Customer privacy is our top priority

Powerful AI Features

Everything you need to manage knowledge from start to finish, in one intuitive platform.

Trusted answers

Get data-backed answers to complex questions about your products, customers, code, and anything in between

Search across Slack, documents, and AI chat conversations
See the sources used in every answer
Pick the best LLM model depending on your use case

Dynamic pages

Goes beyond chat to generate content and create pages based on your company's information.

Instantly create documents like a 360 customer overview
Edit pages, and collaborate with AI, and others
Embed lists, tables, charts, images, and more

AI knowledge base

Automatically create a repository for company knowledge, ensuring that insights are easily accessible.

Browse with advanced filters to easily find pages
Pin pages across a workspace, or bookmark your favorites
Invite team members to workspace

Memory for ChatGPT

Papr extends ChatGPT's memory, letting you access Papr memories inside the ChatGPT experience.

Memory API for devs

Papr's memory API lets you easily add Papr capabilities into your own applications and experiences.

Simple steps to streamline your work

Start using AI with your company data in just a few clicks

1. Sign up and set up

Get started in minutes with easy setup and smooth onboarding.

2. Customize your workspace

Invite your team and sync information from your tools to get the most our of Papr.

3. Start creating with AI

Search, get answers, and create content and pages with AI

Ready to transform the way you work?

Start your free trial today and see how Papr can help you achieve more with less effort.

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